

Class Circuit represent a circuit in a CircomJS project.

Instances of this class shouldn't be initiated directly by the user and users should rely upon getting them from CircomJS's getCircuit method.

Below is a description of properties and methods associated with instances of Circuit class:

  • compile() : compiles your circuits and produces the following artifacts:

    • r1cs

    • sym

    • witness generation program

    • zkey

    • vkey

  • calculateWitness(inp): calculates witness for a certain input passed as a javascript object and returns it.

  • checkConstraints(witness): takes witnesses generated from calculateWitness and returns the result of checking the constraints of the provided witness.

  • getTotatlConstraints(): returns the total constraints of the circuit.

  • genProof(inp): generates proof for the given input and returns it as a javascript object, check out the following link for more info.

  • verifyProof(proof): verifies proof generated from genProof, returns a boolean indicating the status of verification.

  • getOutputDIR(): returns the output directory { the directory where its builds will be stored }.

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